
Why do people find it difficult to quit SMOKING AND ALCOHOL???


Like every drug smoking too is addictive.The body get used to it and need it constantly.
Smokers get addicted to the ingredient nicotine that has stimulating as well as calming effect
on the brain.there for it is not easy for habitual smokers to give up the habit.
This is the reason why people should avoid smoking.
Tobacco advertising is now prohibited in many countries,so that public do not get misled.In addition smoking in public place is also banned.

why are Drugs considered dangerous?

Earlier the term 'Drugs" referred to dried parts of plant that had an intoxicant effect and were used for medicinal purposes.Today,the term also include those substances which induce a state of dreamy forgetfulness and are thus often used by people who want to temporarily escape from reality. 
"Soft drugs" such as alcohol and tobacco,which are found in cigarettes or cigars,can be purchased anywhere, however they too can be injurious to health if taken in excess.In contrast "Hard drugs",such as Heroin or Cocaine are prohibited.But they are still smuggled borders from the countries where they are produced.

Why should we avoid taking alcohol in excess?

Everyone knows that drinking alcohol in excess is unhealthy.But only a few know that
excess of alcohol can damage the nerve and brain cells and disturb the person's sense of balance and perception.
Long term drinking can lead to permanent damage of internal oragans.Slowly the entire body is poisoned and the organs stop working normally.alcohol has the most damaging effect on liver,whose task is to remove the toxins from our blood.Alcoholics are considered serioous patients needing medical help.

what happens when one takes Hard drugs?
Hard drugs such as  HEROIN and LSD

Often lead to addiction the every first time they are

taken.Once the drug enters the body,it immediately creates
a need in the body to take in more of the same substance to induce desired effect.
If the supply is denied,the body reacts with drastic withdrawal symptoms.
Which includes muscular pain,cramps,and blood circulation problems which can lead to death.
Thus people taking hard drugs can hardly lead a normal life.
Their thoughts constantly revolve around how to get the drug again.Since the drugs are very expensive,the addicts often resort to crime like stealing.
Medical help is required to get rid of such destructive addiction.

Search ResultsHeroinHeroi or LSD,often lead to addiction the very first time they taken.Once the drug enters the body,it immediately creates a need in the body to take in more of the same substance to induce the desired effect.

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